- Microsoft T-SQL websites
- sqlpass.org - organization of Microsoft SQL server users
- SQLsaturday.com - worldwide free training events
- Twitter - incredible when you follow the mvps who post solutions, not cat videos
- MS SQL Server Customer Advisory Team - aggregation, in depth articles
- www.simple-talk.com - Redgate hosted site for fantastic in depth articles
- www.sqlskills.com/ - 6 sql MVPs all posting blogs in the same place.
- MS SQL Server Reporting Services Team - aggregation, in depth articles from MS
- www.mssqltips.com- aggregation of many sql writers
- sqlblog.com - aggregation of their 20 bloggers.
- blog.sqlauthority.com - daily read, short and to the point.
- https://blogs.sentryone.com/
- http://www.sqlnuggets.com/
- http://sqlmag.com/
- http://www.dbta.com/ - db trends and applications webazine
- www.sqlservercentral.com/ - aggregator across websites, and own content
- sqlperformance.com - List of blogs hosted by SentryOne
- www.sswug.org - one of the first cross-platform sql technology websites
- www.sqlservergeeks.com - a little less refined, but decent information
- http://www.sqlshack.com/
- http://curatedsql.com/ - seems to be an aggregator of many blog feeds, need to come back later when it's not 1am.
- https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/documentdb/ - Azure DocumentDB events&recordings
- Blogs - Rank List
- http://thomaslarock.com/rankings/ - I put his rankings page to show his list of blogs
- https://www.dynamics101.com/top-50-sql-server-sites/
- Blogs Specific - SQL (no http means it's https://)
- blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/bobsql
- devinknightsql.com - powerBI, SSRS, making your data usable and pretty to mgrs
- http://www.scarydba.com/
- http://www.mikefal.net/ - powershell, dba, db stress test
- www.brentozar.com/blog/ - dba, sp_blitz
- http://www.delorabradish.com/ - ssas, ssis, dba, really incredible walkthroughs, very detailed
- http://michaeljswart.com/
- voiceofthedba.com - a blogger who updates nonstop with good content.
- sqlstudies.com
- http://aboutsqlserver.com/
- http://jongurgul.com/blog/
- denglishbi.wordpress.com/
- http://blog.waynesheffield.com
- http://www.sqlballs.com/
- http://www.thebiccountant.com/ - Really brilliant on PowerBI
- mitchellpearson.com/ - not as active but still good reads for SSIS
- http://thomaslarock.com/
- sqldbawithabeard.com/
- http://www.pontop.dk/blog
- http://byobi.com/
- http://sqljason.com/
- http://www.edwinmsarmiento.com/ - This url is hard for me, great info. ZERO DATES
- http://nebraskasql.blogspot.com/
- http://www.sqlnethub.com/
- Blogs - Others
- www.v-front.de - vmware
- https://lonesysadmin.net/
- https://thatservernerd.com/
- https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/scriptcenter/ - Powershell with Ed Wilson et all
- http://www.franksworld.com/ - data science blog, very diverse resource list
- https://davewyatt.wordpress.com/ - powershell
- http://bekwam.blogspot.com/search?q=jaspersoft Jaspersoft Reporting Blog, outdated but not obsolete
- Data Science
- Kaggle - incredible resource on looking at others work and what they're doing with datasets supplied on their website.
- KDnuggets - also has a twitter feed
- data.gov - government hosted data
- datascienceplus.com/ - tutorials
- www.datasciencecentral.com/
- https://www.opendatascience.com/
- https://ischool.syr.edu/media/documents/2012/3/DataScienceBook1_1.pdf - i liked this, credit to frank for finding it.
- http://datasciencetoolbox.org/ - setting up data science environment with linux/vagrant
- https://twittercommunity.com/ - twitter dev community if you have weird questions
- Webinars and Online Training
- PragmaticWorks Free training - new class every tuesday
- PASS Virtual Chapters
- Virtual labs online
- Social Networking/Local Training
- Meetup
- Eventbrite
- PASS local chapters
- Twitter - Seriously, if you haven't followed people for professional development, you're missing out on an incredible resource. Learn how to use Lists in twitter. Note: On occasion you will hear about their cats...and their beer
- Networking/Routing
- Virtualization
- www.serverwatch.com
- Microsoft Hyper-V
- VMware
- Generic Training Websites
- lynda
- PluralSight
- microsoftvirtualacademy - microsoft's own website for teaching your their technology
- udemy - find coupons and you might get alot of free classes to try out.
- https://sqlworkbooks.com/ - free classes till dec 31, 2017
- SQL Dev Tools/ or utilities
- Toad
- Idera Free Tools - more than just rubber ducks
- SentryOne PlanExplorer - now FREE - seriously, watch the demo vid, download product and then send them beer money or cookies. It's that good.
- https://dbareports.io/
- http://www.sqlsmash.com/
- http://modern-sql.com/
- https://www.sqlartbits.com/
- http://www.hammerdb.com/ - When Benchmarking, use this utility to hammer the sqldb
- www.connectionstrings.com/ - pretty good to refresh your memory for connections
- Sysinternals - the greatest toolset compilation ever written. So great, MS hired the author.
- SDelete - Secure delete applications overwrite a deleted file's on-disk data using techiques that are shown to make disk data unrecoverable
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